Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Why We Go To The San Carlos Tribal Youth Home

Over the past few years I have had several people ask me why we go to the San Carlos Apache Youth Home. When we first starting going there on a weekly basis we didn’t teach Bible stories. We didn’t sing any songs. In fact, we didn’t have any “formal” programming. We just tried our best to be Jesus with skin on to the staff and kids. I was asked, “Is it really ministry if you don’t teach the Bible.” We were hesitant because the director was a traditionalist. We were intentional in service, but cautious and respectful at the same time. Kara had a meeting with the director about a year ago and the director, who is a traditionalist, asked us to teach the kids Bible stories! Who but God could orchestrate the open door? We have spent the past year teaching the kids Bible stories and the truth of His Word.

Over the past year we have had several occasions when the staff has asked us to pray over the kids’ rooms. This usually happens after a stressful week when the kids were afraid to go to sleep. While we don’t mind praying for the kids, we would rather encourage the kids to pray themselves. A couple of weeks ago Kara had prepared a lesson about how God will always listen to us when we pray to Him. For our craft time, Kara had prepared pillow cases to remind the kids God will listen when they talk to Him. She had written Jeremiah 29:13 on each pillow case “When you look for me with all your heart, you will find me.”

There were four kids at the Youth Home we have known for a couple of years. It was so incredible to share with them and encourage them. One of the girls wrote on her pillow case “God will take care of me” inside of a cross. I was taken aback by the depth of her statement. Here was this girl who for one reason or another was removed from the home she was in and brought with her brothers and sister to stay at the Youth Home. In the midst of her complete turmoil, she will put her head down each night on a pillow case that reminds her that God will take care of her. Why do we minister at the San Carlos Apache Youth Home? Because there are kids who need to be reminded of the truth in the midst of their storm. Was it worth several years of just serving to earn the right to share the Gospel? Eternity will answer that question.



  1. We have to earn the right to share what we know, and you have succeeded in that. I know God is pleased and His Kingdom will continue to grow.

  2. It sort of sounds like you're not just saying you love these kids, but actually showing it with your actions...

    Well done.
